10 Ways to Use Up Old Fabric Samples

You guys really seemed to like the denim flowers 3 ways post, so today I have more fabric crafts for you. I’m sharing 10 creative ways on how to use up old fabric samples that you may already have around your house. These are some fun and EASY craft ideas, so let’s get started.

1 // Fabric Sachets

Your leftover scraps are perfect to make small, fragrant sachets. You don’t need a sewing machine for this one, just a few little stitches. I rarely sew, so if you are a beginner or have never sewn before, do not be intimidated by the needle and thread.

Weave the thread in and out of the edges. Leave a small hole at the end. Then flip it inside out. I filled mine with dried lavender buds (a funnel would be helpful for this part). Stitch the hole closed to finish this off.

how to make a fabric sachet

You can add a few drops of essential oil inside or when the scent fades, you can put a few drops on the outside to freshen it up.

Tying a circle up with a ribbon is a no sew option. Place these in your clothing drawers, behind the trash can, under the kitchen sink, or wherever it is in your house that you want to freshen up the scent.

fabric sachet tutorial
how to make scented sachets

2 // dress up your dining room

If you have a large piece of fabric or an old scarf, you can use it to wrap the chairs at your dining room table to create an elegant look. This would look so pretty with different colors on each chair. You can do an elaborate tie, or just a simple tie with a small, thin piece of fabric around the top of the chair.

how to tie a scarf around a chair

3 // pocket napkin

Adding a little pocket to your fabric napkins can make them 2-in-1. You can put a place card, a special treat or a surprise in that pocket and make your dinner parties even more fun! Since I don’t have a sewing machine, I used some no sew tape and ironed this little pocket onto the napkin.

how to dress up a napkin

I made a whole pillow with no sew tape and I go into more details on how this tape works in my pillow tutorial. I’ll link that tutorial right here for you.

how to add a pocket to a napkin

4 // dress up stationary

You can dress up a hand written letter or notecard with some fabric and it will look much more formal and special than a plain piece of paper. A little glue with some fabric cut out in geometric shapes makes this plain white envelope have a retro 80s fun vibe.

You could do this on the top of the letterhead and have a one of a kind matching stationary set.

how to dress up stationary

I have this bottle of Fray Check that you can put on the edges of your fabric to prevent fraying. It works just like glue and seals those edges in place without having to sew a seam at the edge.

5 // table runner

To make a table runner, you can cut your scraps of fabric and sew them together or just fold a large piece of fabric and add a little trim to the edges.

I used an old scarf in a tablescape I had done for Fall (check out that post by clicking here) and it looks just like a table runner you would find at the store.

diy table runner

6 // wall art

I took this simple piece of fabric and placed it in a frame. It makes an elegant piece of art to display and is one of a kind. You could frame several different pieces of fabric to create a fabric art gallery. Super easy and you can switch them out with new pieces of fabric whenever you get bored of the look.

fabric wall art

7 // coasters

If your coasters are looking old or have stains, try glueing some fabric on your coasters to freshen up the look. You can finish off with a spray on sealer to make it waterproof.

diy coasters

8 // make a bookmark

To make this bookmark, I cut out a piece of thick paper and used some glue to stick down the fabric.

denim bookmark tutorial

I put a hole in the top of mine and added a ribbon to finish it off. 

how to make a bookmark

9 // decorate a tray

If you have a tray in your home, whether it be a dining room serving tray, or something you use in the living room, try using some fabric on the inside of it to switch things up. I recently put denim in this tray that I keep in my study. I used a little tape on the inside, so it can be swapped out with different fabrics whenever I want to change up the look. This is a super easy way to dress up an otherwise bland, wooden tray.

dress up a tray with fabric

10 // decorate a book or notebook

You can use fabric to cover a book, so it matches the rest of the decor in the room you are styling. Or if your journal or notebook has pen marks or coffee stains, try wrapping it with some fabric and it will look like new.

First, I measured about an inch out from the book while it was open. I glued down the fabric on the outside covers and then on the inside corners. Some Elmers or Mod Podge should work for this project.

how to cover a book with fabric

Then I folded in the edges. You can cut out the first page of the book and paste over the rough edges, if it looks a little messy inside those covers.

how to recover a book

I trimmed the ends at the spine and glued down that little piece to finish it off.

how to cover a book with fabric

If you liked these fabric ideas, leave me a comment below. I had a bunch more ideas and can do a part 2 with more fabric ideas, if I get enough good feedback. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a very happy day. 

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