Denim Flowers 3 Ways | What to do with Denim Scraps

I took an old pair of jeans and some other items you probably have around your house for these crafts.

First, I’ll show you 3 different ways to make denim flowers and then finish up with a cute denim farmhouse DIY. If you want to see what to do with denim scraps, you will love this post. I even created a video to go along with it!

Do you ever get tired of something in your closet? I’ve had a pair of Ann Taylor denim capris for awhile and well, I was just kinda over them. Instead of donating this pair, I decided to give them a new life and saved them for a DIY.

// supplies you will need

Click on any of the items below to shop for your supplies.

denim fabric

hot glue gun


needle and thread

wooden tray


glass jars


moss filler



// denim flower 1

First, you will cut up those jeans and then trace and cut out 6 circles. I used a ribbon holder, but you can make these circles any size you want.

denim flowers 3 ways

Next, we will fold those circles into quarter circles by folding it once and then once more.

how to make denim flowers

Take the raw edges and created the letter M (or W, depending on how you are looking at it) and stitch it together on the raw edge. I don’t have a sewing machine so I used a needle and thread for this part and it worked just fine.

sewing fabric flowers

I created 3 of these with the dark blue on the outside and 3 with the light blue to give the flower some dimension. Use a glue gun to attach all 6 of our petals together. Add a button to the center and we are done with the first one! 

how to make denim flowers 3 different ways
what to do with denim scraps

// denim flower 2

If you thought that first flower was easy, wait until you see the next two! For this one, you will want to cut a long strip of denim.

using denim scraps

Then cut strips about 1/2” thick and about 1.5” long. I wanted to add a little extra texture and color to mine, so I used some light blue fabric scraps, as well.

denim flower tutorial

A little hot glue and layering of the fabric strips and you have a cute little flower. I topped this with a button and that really finished off flower number 2.

denim flower diy

// denim flower 3

I saved the easiest flower for last, but keep reading to the end to see how I ended up styling these flowers in a denim farmhouse floral arrangement.

For this one I have another long strip of denim. Fold this in half once and cut about 1 inch into the edge of the fabric. I’m using denim for all of these because I think it has such a cute farmhouse look. But it would be so fun to mix and match whatever fabric scraps you have sitting around! You could make some really colorful spring flowers!

denim crafts

I opened up the cut denim and we are going to put a line of hot glue down to seal it closed. We will be rolling this up, so you may want to test this by rolling it up without glue first to make sure you like the fullness of the flower. You can cut off a little if you think the flower is too big.

denim flower craft
how to use leftover fabric

You will have a minute or two before the hot glue fully dries to rearrange any of the petals.

I decided to add a couple petals from some Dollar Tree florals and that really finished this flower off nicely.

crafts and diy ideas
denim flower 3 ways

// denim floral arrangement

I had this wooden tray I had found at Target awhile back, but you could use any square tray you have in your home. I think wood, denim and white flowers bring together a very nice farmhouse look. I measured the inside of the tray and cut the denim to fit.

I want to use this tray again sometime, but wanted the denim to lay flat, so for a temporary fix, I just used a little tape to hold down the fabric.

farmhouse denim diy

These glass jars came from Dollar Tree and last time I was there, they still had them in stock. They come with a lid, but we are going to use these as vases, so I left those off. I have used these jars over and over again for decorating in various ways. So, I want to do something that isn’t permanent, but give these jars a completely different look. I found this twine at Dollar Tree and wrapped it around the edge of the jars. 

how to dress up your glass vases

A little moss and some flowers and we have such a pretty piece of farmhouse decor that would look great anywhere in the house!

cute denim crafts

If you want to see more creative inspiration, check out my other posts below. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a very happy day. 

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