Let’s Get Ready for Summer with a Summer Coffee Bar

I don’t know about you, but in my house, no matter what time of year it is, coffee is always happening first thing in the morning. Let’s get ready for Summer with a Summer coffee bar idea. You’ll have your Summer coffee bar ready to go in just 4 easy steps.

I even have some printables to go along with this Summer coffee bar post. Scroll down for those printables, and make sure to watch this nice little video I put together.

No matter how you have your coffee station set up now in your home, it’s always fun to switch things up seasonally. Or if you’re having guests over, sometimes it might make sense to move things around to make it easier for them to access on their own in the mornings, in case they wake up before you!

If you’re having a small get together, you may want your coffee area to be really central, like maybe on your kitchen island or in your formal dining room.

Step 1 // clean the area

I always like to start by cleaning up the space we are going to do our summer coffee bar setup. In my case, I was moving my current coffee bar setup to a larger, more central space for guests. This would be a great time to give your coffee maker a deep cleaning. I have a Keurig and love it – we use it every day! Keurig makes a cleaning solution to help keep it like new.

step 2 // hunting and gathering

You don’t have to get fancy and buy a bunch of new stuff to do a coffee bar setup. I always shop my own house for the look and color scheme I’m going for.

The kitchen island ended up being my palette and I could easily pick and choose what I wanted to go on my coffee bar. I grabbed anything in my home with yellow, gold or orange hues to it and looked for any decor piece with a summery vibe. 

step 3 // play around the with layout

Play around with the layout until everything looks good to your eye. I thought of what would make most sense to have easy access to and kept those items on the lower shelf. I used the upper shelves for decorative items, like the ideas I have next.

coffee bar ideas summer

step 4 // add the details

The details are what make any design look extra special. To make this coffee bar feel more Summery,  I added some fresh flowers from my garden.

And I added these name tags to go on the mugs. I used a piece of twine to tie them onto the handle of each mug. If you are having guests over, this is a great way to make each guest feel extra cared for. Printables will be free to download below!

summer coffee bar ideas

I also printed out this yellow canopy to make it look more like a coffee store front. I printed 3 of these out letter sized sheets and trimmed them to fit the width of my shelves. Then I taped them together and then taped them to the top shelf. 

coffee bar shop

I also put together this infographic showing various ways you can put together your coffee. I placed this in a letter sized picture frame and put on the top shelf of our coffee bar.

I think this picture frame accomplishes that fun Summer look, without looking too cluttered or busy.

summer coffee bar ideas
summer coffee bar

// free printables

If you liked what you saw in this post and want to make your own Summer coffee bar, get a 3 page pdf with all of the printables.

coffee bar printables

If you want to see some more ideas on how to decorate floating shelves, then check out this post below.

how to style shelves like a pro

pin me, please!

summer coffee bar

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