Fall Lantern Made From Dollar Tree Items!

You are not going to believe what random Dollar Tree items I used to put this elegant Fall lantern together. And it only cost a few dollars to make. You know I love a good Dollar Tree DIY, so let’s get starting with how I put together the Fall lantern swag.

As always, I made a handy video to make it easier to follow the tutorial.

// pretty fall florals

In case you’re looking for a good way to organize your crafts, here is how I have all my Dollar Tree florals organized in my closet. As you can see, I already stocked up for my Fall DIYs – YAY!

I use these sweater and shoe organizers to put all my craft supplies, most of which I found at Dollar Tree. 

floral storage ideas

// floral swag

I started by picking out the flowers I wanted to use and trimming them to size. 

florals for lantern

My lantern is not going to be very big, so I didn’t want too many flowers, but you could make this as big or small as you want.

Once I arranged the florals, I used a little floral wire, which I found at Dollar Tree and tied the stems together. 

dollar tree lantern diy

Now it’s time to make the bow. They had all kinds of floral ribbon at Dollar Tree, but I liked this one with the cute Fall pattern. 

There are so many ways to put a bow together, but here’s the easy way I like to tie up mine. It helps if the edges of the ribbon have a little wire to help it stay in place.

I cut a small piece for the center and hot glued it in the back to secure it to the bow.

how to make a bow
how to make a bow out of ribbon

// how to build the lantern

Now for the fun part, putting together that lantern. We are going to make it from scratch, but don’t worry it’s super easy!

I start by cutting some circles out of foam core.

how to make a lantern from foam core

Since this is made out of paper, you will want to go with flameless candles, but have you seen flameless candles lately? They look so realistic, sometimes I have a hard time telling they are fake on the good ones!

You can find this large package of bamboo skewers at Dollar Tree for…you guessed it… $1.

dollar tree skewers diys

I started cutting these with a saw but realized it was easier just to crack them into 3 inch sections by hand. We will be sticking the rough edge into the foam core, so the broken part will be hidden anyway.

bamboo skewers diy

I will be painting these, but first popped them into the foam core ring to see how many I needed to paint.

foam core project

The wood has kind of a yellow tint to it that I wasn’t crazy about, so I’m doing a light coat of white paint to give these a whitewashed look. I also painted the foam core circles to match. 

Now we will just assemble all these pieces together with some hot glue.

diy lantern dollar tree

The finishing touch is adding the Fall floral swag. There are several ways you could put this on the lantern (at the bottom, inside, etc.), but putting it at the top of the lantern was my favorite. 

floral swag
lantern dollar tree diy

I did a Fall lantern last year, and I did a couple different ideas in that post, so check it out with the link below. I was still in Texas for that post – a lot has happened in a year!

click here for More Fall Lanterns

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