Easy DIY Christmas Home Decor Ideas

I’m so excited to get going on my Christmas Dollar Tree DIYs. Christmas-time is just SO fun! I’m going to have lots of Christmas crafts, dupes of high end decor and even a few Christmas treats this season. If you’re new here, the best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to my YouTube channel, so you don’t miss out.

If you’re here for the free printable, scroll down for the form to download your nativity scene DIY.

// nativity scene diy frame

Let’s get started with a beautiful nativity sign because, hey, that’s what Christmas is really all about, right?

I found these mini Jenga blocks at Dollar Tree. We are going to create a wood stain with some acrylic paint and water and use these to make a frame for our nativity sign.

dollar tree jenga

I started by measuring out how many blocks I would need to stain. Then I painted each block with some watered down brown acrylic paint.

dollar tree blocks diy

I created this printable with bible verse Luke 2:10. “Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.”

I used some Super 77 to glue this to a piece of foam core that I got at Dollar Tree. This black and white illustration is so simple, yet elegant and looks great with the wood stain on those Jenga blocks.

nativity scene sign diy

// get your free printable here

free nativity scene download

Once all the blocks were glued in place, I used the edge of the blocks as a guide to cut off the excess foam core.

jenga block diy

Now we have those white edges showing from where we cut, so I used a little brown paint so they would blend in with the wooden blocks.

nativity sign diy

For the finishing touch, I put together some garland with a few items I found at Dollar Tree.

dollar tree garland diy

And here is the final sign, so we can celebrate the birth of Christ!

diy nativity sign

// round farmhouse sign

For our next project, we will be using this stove top cover. I have used these for projects in the past, like this one and this one. I love these stove covers because they are metal, so they’re really sturdy.

dollar tree stove covers

I put a coat of white primer paint on and then taped off the section I want to look like wood. You can create a wood look with paint by keeping the brush strokes going in the same direction and making sure you have several shades of brown streaks in your design.

stove top cover diy

While that faux wood paint was drying, I started on a large bow. I already had this buffalo check ribbon, but they had all kinds of thick, wire edged Christmas ribbons at Dollar Tree. Lots of good options there!

I folded the ribbon over and over and then secured in the middle with some floral wire.

diy buffalo check bow

All that was left was to fluff up the wired edges and we have this beautiful bow! I ended up attached a little garland to the center of the bow.

diy pretty bow

I started with a pencil to make sure I liked how the words looked on the sign and then I went in with my oil based paint pen to trace over the letters. It’s nice to have something to trace because it takes a bit of the pressure off, rather than going in with the permanent paint pen first!

round farmhouse sign

Now that we’ve attached the bow with some hot glue, we have a gorgeous farmhouse style sign that would look good on the front door or on the mantle. I think I may put mine in the kitchen though…a little throwback to this stove top covers past life.

diy christmas farmhouse sign

// Mason jar florals dollar tree diy

Next, we’re making a beautiful berry red floral arrangement using mason jars. You can find these glass mason jars at Dollar Tree. I am upcycling them from a previous DIY. So, I started by putting several coats of red paint on them to cover up the white.

floral mason jar arrangement christmas

I am leaving one jar white because it will be displayed in the center of the two red ones. I found this “Joy” ornament at Dollar Tree and thought it would be perfect to dress up the white mason jar.

dollar tree christmas diys

All the florals I’m using are also from Dollar Tree. They had a nice selection of Christmas florals. The Christmas stuff goes so quickly at Dollar Tree. They’ll probably have New Year’s and Valentine’s decor coming out in December, so make sure to act fast if you want to find these things at your Dollar Tree!

dollar tree christmas florals

And here is the final Christmas floral arrangement which was only a few dollars because of our Dollar Tree finds!

diy dollar tree christmas

If you liked these Dollar Tree DIYs, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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